Monday, April 9, 2012

Who are you?? Who am I??

So it was just an ordinary day for me, I was in my bed listen to Anthony Hamilton's "can't let go", when my phone rang. I didn't recognise the number,and the person on the other side of the line,after the lady came to terms that she had simply dialed a wrong number, she asked "Who are you?"...a few seconds passed and I hung up! Who am I? I am a twenty year old black woman? Am I really? Is that really who I am! After pondering on the question for a few minutes I just broke down in laughter, which inturn metamorphosised into an unprecedented amount of tears! I knew I was crying! I knew why! If that woman had not called I wouldnot be soaked in tears, throwing myself an unforseen pity party.After a couple of wet tissues, and a pounding head ache,I thought! I know,I'm a mess!! But that's not who I am it's what I am!! Who are you? Who am I? So I think,the woman on the other end of the line was just a catalyst to a brewing emotional war,that I'd have to fight sooner or later!! So THANK YOU WOMAN ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE LINE! Ps: this is who I am: I am a daughter, a sister, and yes I do think I am even a friend! I am Not perfect, my flaws a so deep not even a razor blade can cut through them, I'm little pieces of brokeness, and a bit unstable in the head! I am naïve and gulable, my emotions are to be my death, trust! I have an undiluted passion to die for a living! An epitome of So much that would amount to mere nothing to you! "I am a lover because I am not afraid fo my own desire to be loved" "I think there for I am" "I am indeed THE SHIT" I, Am a Poet! I am a writer!!

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